Be able to record your own sounds and songs and take your own pictures for stamps and fills.
Record or take pics

Peter Mcilvenna commented
bitsbox should let people add their own sounds
Seth DePass commented
hi please add this
Seth DePass commented
bits box this is worth alot add it
zane davis commented
BRUH its been a year now lol hopefully they will like our idea 😑
adriennemaygraham commented
Mia O'Dell Same!
adriennemaygraham commented
OMG, I really like this idea. I've wanted to do this stuff for ages.
zane davis commented
why have they not awnsered yet
zane davis commented
zane davis commented
we could go to minecrafts files and use their music then make a even minecraft 2d game!
zane davis commented
cmon hurry up and make this happen!
Mia O'Dell commented
Yes, exactly! I want to make a mini-movie, but none of the stamps cut it for the characters.
Katherine commented
We should I like my music
Bailey Smith commented
i love this idea.